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Outside of science, I am also an active musician. Having played the trumpet since childhood, and later started conducting, I now perform both as part of amateur ensembles, and semi-professionally. Most recently I conducted the Fleet Orchestra before moving to Switzerland.

Some highlights of my musical career include playing in my own graduation ceremony, conducting Durham University Concert Band at multiple successful competitions, and being awarded the Best Student Conductor award at the UniBrass contest in 2021.

I am always looking for new musical opportunities, so if you have any, please get in touch!

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Charity work

Whilst at university I became invovled in organising the University Brass Band Championship of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and later became a trustee for the parent charity, the UniBrass Foundation. Since 2014 I have worked to create opportunities for brass musicians, whether they are future professionals or lifelong amateurs. I have been the Chair of the trustee board since 2022 and am pleased to have overseen the continued expansion of the organisation. If you'd like to learn more about the work of the charity, then you can visit our website below.

I have also worked with a number of other charitable organisations. A particular highlight was getting the opportunity to visit the work of Brass for Africa in Uganda and meeting the fantastic people there when a friend was working for the charity.

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